Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sorry for the wait

Well the Eagles took my advice and picked up Vick. I know I'm late but I think it is finally starting to pay off for the Eagles as Mike Vick has scored his first rushing and passing TDs for the birds.
In other news me and my friends have come up with what we thought is a great idea. our friendship is now for sale on eBay don't worry if you want to buy it cuz I'm sure you can still get it for a low price on eBay just search for "a long lasting friendship."
Well thats all the news I have for now. Good Night.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

PhillyBurbs.com:  The Eagles should make an offer to Michael Vick

PhillyBurbs.com:  The Eagles should make an offer to Michael Vick

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Michael Vick should go "green" next season

Michael Vick is an amazing athlete. He needs to go to a team that will be able to use his talent in a way that will promote success. One team that could use Vick is the Philadelphia Eagles. Now I know what a lot of people are asking right now: "What about Donovan McNabb?" Many would see this as a replacement for McNabb, but I see this as an opportunity to take over the football world. With a one-two punch like McNabb and Vick combo, It would be a nightmare for defensive coordinators in the NFL. I feel it is time for the Philadelphia Eagles to step up to the plate and finally make some good moves. Now the Eagles have let a lot of good players get away this season, but I fell this is a good way to make up for some mistakes. Oh, and I still haven't read anything for my class.

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First Post

Well this is the first post for my new blog. I must admin that I should actually be reading for an exam I have tomorrow but this seemed like too much work. Well this blog is gonna be weird i will tell you that now. Every now and then will be some tips and I will write about whatever pops into my head. It will probably be about cars, video games, college, food, and music, among other things. BTW my name is Chris Mitchell, and I am a sophomore at Penn State. I'm 18 and I love to procrastinate. In this Blog I will most likely have list of my favorite things and reviews for the many pieces of software I will be able to get my hands on.

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