Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Michael Vick should go "green" next season

Michael Vick is an amazing athlete. He needs to go to a team that will be able to use his talent in a way that will promote success. One team that could use Vick is the Philadelphia Eagles. Now I know what a lot of people are asking right now: "What about Donovan McNabb?" Many would see this as a replacement for McNabb, but I see this as an opportunity to take over the football world. With a one-two punch like McNabb and Vick combo, It would be a nightmare for defensive coordinators in the NFL. I feel it is time for the Philadelphia Eagles to step up to the plate and finally make some good moves. Now the Eagles have let a lot of good players get away this season, but I fell this is a good way to make up for some mistakes. Oh, and I still haven't read anything for my class.

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